Vultr Variables
Variables GuideIt is recommended that you review both the Terraform Documentation and the Ansible Documentation regarding variables and how best to secure them. Terraform has multiple methods to pull and store variables such as Vault and Consul, while ansible has it's own local Vault system to encrypt variables and files. The Strapi Guru documentation does not cover these topics (except for the local Ansible Vault).
It is up to you, the user, to secure your variables!
Terraform VariablesVariables are set in the ./terraform/terraform.tfvars
, there is an example file that you can copy and modify.
Do not go below vc2-1c-2gb
for the Strapi instance or the Admin panel will not build!
The Database instance can be dropped to vc2-1c-2gb
to decrease cost, but it's not recommended.
Backups cost an extra 20% of the hourly cost (can basically be calculated as 20% of monthly). Thus if you use the vc2-1c-2gb
plan at $10, backups cost $2, making the total Strapi server cost $12 per month.
Var Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
vultr_api_key | string | null | Y | Vultr API Key |
ssh_key | string | null | Y | Your Public SSH Key |
region | string | sea | Y | Vultr Region ID |
cloudflare_enabled | boolean | true | Y | Enable Cloudflare (required) |
cloudflare_email | string | null | Y | Email used with Cloudflare |
cloudflare_api_key | string | null | Y | Global API Key |
cloudflare_zone_id | string | null | Y | Your Domain Zone ID |
strapi_srv_domain | string | null | Y | Subdomain prefix |
instance_os | string | 387 | Y | Operating System ID from Vultr API |
instance_tag | string | strapi | N | Optional tag to apply to instances |
strapi_plan | string | vc2-1c-2gb | Y | Vultr Plan for the Strapi Server |
strapi_label | string | my-strapi-srv | Y | Label for the Strapi Server |
strapi_hostname | string | my-strapi-srv | Y | Hostname for the Strapi Server |
strapi_ipv6 | boolean | false | N | Enable IPv6 for the Strapi Server |
strapi_server_backups | boolean | false | N | Enable Strapi Server Backups |
database_plan | string | vc2-2c-4gb | Y | Vultr Plan for the Database Server |
database_label | string | my-strapi-db | Y | Label for the Database Server |
database_hostname | string | my-strapi-db | Y | Hostname for the Database Server |
database_server_Backups | boolean | false | N | Enable Database Backups |
There are certain variables that are pulled from Vultr Public APIs:
Ansible VariablesAlright off to the variables, there is a lot so good luck :)
By default the Ansible configs will use the staging Let's Encrypt Server. These certs are not considered valid, when you are ready to move to production you should disable the acme_sh_default_staging
variable. You can force a new cert generation by setting acme_sh_default_force_issue
to true.
crypt_vars/all.ymlVar Name | Type | Default | Required | Automated |
See crypt_vars/all.yml file | Various | Various | Various | N |
crypt_vars/database.ymlVar Name | Type | Default | Required | Automated |
strapi_db_pass | string | null | Y | N |
crypt_vars/strapi.ymlVar Name | Type | Default | Required | Automated |
acme_sh_account_email | string | null | Y | N |
acme_sh_default_dns_provider_api_keys.CF_KEY | string | null | Y | N |
acme_sh_default_dns_provider_api_keys.CF_Email | string | null | Y | N |
group_vars/all.ymlVar Name | Type | Default | Required | Automated |
apt_dependencies | array | Various | Y | Y |
apt_upgrade | string | dist | Y | Y |
apt_autoremove | boolean | yes | Y | Y |
group_vars/database.ymlVar Name | Type | Default | Required | Automated |
mysql_packages | array | Various | Y | Y |
mysql_bind_address | string | | Y | Y |
mysql_databases | object | strapi_db_name | Y | Y |
mysql_users | object | strapi_db_user | Y | Y |
You may need to scroll the table
Var Name | Type | Default | Required | Automated |
nodejs_version | int | 14 | Y | Y |
application_dir | string | /srv/deploy/{{ application_name }} | Y | Y |
application_git | string | null | Y | N |
acme_sh_become_user | string | root | Y | Y |
acme_sh_git_url | string | | Y | Y |
acme_sh_git_version | string | master | Y | Y |
acme_sh_upgrade | boolean | true | Y | Y |
acme_sh_list_domains | boolean | true | Y | Y |
acme_sh_default_debug | boolean | false | Y | Y |
acme_sh_default_dns_sleep | int | 120 | Y | Y |
acme_sh_copy_certs_to_path | string | /etc/nginx/ssl | Y | Y |
acme_sh_default_dns_provider | string | dns_cf | Y | Y |
acme_sh_default_issue_renew_hook | string | sudo systemctl reload nginx | Y | Y |
acme_sh_domains | object | application_url | Y | Y |
acme_sh_default_staging | boolean | true | Y | N |
acme_sh_default_force_issue | boolean | false | Y | N |
nginx_remove_default_vhost | boolean | true | Y | Y |
nginx_client_max_body_size | string | 256m | Y | N |
nginx_upstreams | object | See file | Y | Y |
nginx_vhosts | object | See file | Y | Y |
These variables are automatically set by terraform and should not require any modification.
Var Name | Type | Default | Required | Automated |
root_ssh_key | string | Based on Terraform Output | Y | Y |
strapi_db_name | string | Based on Terraform Output | Y | Y |
strapi_db_user | string | Based on Terraform Output | Y | Y |
strapi_db_host | string | Based on Terraform Output | Y | Y |
application_name | string | Based on Terraform Output | Y | Y |
application_url | string | Based on Terraform Output | Y | Y |